Aside 10 Feb

    I am gladly following this woman’s blog now, The Hope Blog. It makes me so happy to see someone call another out on their ignorance! Who raises their child to feel so gosh darn self righteous that they deem it acceptable to write something so (ironically) classless and tasteless itself! Infuriating.
    When I choose to paint something onto my body it is because it is beautiful, creative, meaningful and for goodness sake it just makes me happy to carry art around with me wherever I go! When was that deemed a crime?? I could use this money to go to the gym, to buy new clothes, to get my nails done but guess what? That does not make ME happy! I am skinny, and perfectly content without having a “model” body because I am not shallow. I could go buy new clothes, but I shop at Goodwill quite often because you can find much cooler items there for a much cheaper cost. And a lot of times they still have the tag on them! Nails, again I am not too high and mighty to paint my own damn nails with a bottle of $2 polish.
     I have a child, I have a husband, I have bills. And I take care of all of them. No one is ever hungry and we always have a roof over our head. Rather than going out to dinner every Friday night or buying a Coach bag, we save for our precious ink. Because we feel it much more soothing to look at our art work than to spend $75 on a tank top. I am just outraged at the sight of someone being so pushy and offensive on their views of things. Call me old fashioned, but I was taught to keep my opinions to myself unless it was appropriate and certainly not offensive.

I really hate posting things like this, but I do think it’s important to have a well rounded view on how tattoos are perceived in the World today. Sometimes we surround ourselves with like-minded people and forget that there are some people out there who just aren’t as understanding and open.

It’s always people who don’t have tattoos and that don’t understand the lifestyle who have the strongest opinions. There is nothing wrong with saying that you don’t like tattoos, that’s fine. The problem arises when you cast judgement on people who you don’t know and tell them what they are doing is wrong without having any justification. This article was reposted in it’s entirety from The Spectrum, the independent publication for the University of Buffalo.

Article by Lisa Khoury

I get it. It’s the 21st century. You’re cool, you’re rebellious, you’re cutting edge, you have a point to prove…

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